Wasting your time

Yesterday, I was sitting with my boyfriend when a couple of 'young girl' sit next to us. She's so noisy telling to her friend about story of her college life..about a-z.I'm kinda miss my 'unemployed time',everyday is trip to mall,amusement park,or just watching DVD all night long without worrying money,wasted time or disturbing boyfriend (the 3 important point).
Then this morning, I chat with my bestfriend,she's one of kind emmm I called hur rush people because she rush every step in her life (must be) in time. Having boyfriend in time,graduate in time,marry in time,work in time etc. Yeah lot of my friends are possessed to schedule in their life and when they got in time they have every rights to remind their friend to follow them. Hmm in my mind it doesn't work like that.

Me and my very best friends

In my life,I love wasting my times.I don't have any SLA for my life.may be I'm not mature yet,but I have lots of stories when I'm waste my time. I can go anywhere when I wasted my time with traveling, I experienced make friend with Chinese ethnics (which previously I dislike) when I wasted my time work at somewhere, I experienced man's character when I wasted (read:spent) my time with many kind of him, I experienced nite amusement when wasted my time as insomniac :D.basically when I enjoying the time that's mean I am doing unnecessary things that people call wasting time
So I said to my friend,I'm not wasting my time.when I'm so organized with time schedule of my life,I didn't experienced many things just like her.it's a life choose.I prefer go to acra than thinking about wedding party,I prefer to spend my whole time with my boyfriend-though I'm not sure he will be my husband but I'm having a very great time with him.I prefer experienced all those thing now rather than I never feel it or the worst case,I late to experienced it.
Just don't rush the time,let's wasting time and u will feel that life is beautiful :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. *komen dibawah todongan pistol :(... (kidding)

    sebenernya aku juga masih suka bingung kategori buang waktu itu yang kaya gmana?.
    aku inget kasusku waktu pertama kali addict sama graphic design. pernah hampir 18 jam (nonstop) aku gak beranjak dari depan komputer untuk membuat 1 gambar wajah cewek ( http://fattahsetiawan.blogspot.com/2008/02/elish-temanku-vector-version.html ) ini link gambarnya..
    waktu itu aku suweneng bgt udah berhasil bikin gbr kaya itu.. padahal kalo sekarang aku liat lg.. ancuuuurrrr gilaa...... :)) LOL

    kategori itu wasting time ato bukan aku jg gak tau.. tp dari gambar ancur itu aku tambah semangat lg buat terus belajar.(waktu itu aku anggep gbr itu keren bgt *najis)

    kita gak pernah tau hasil akhir kehidupan. jadi sebenernya gak ada sesuatu yang bener2 buang waktu. kita hidup dalam ketidakpastian, so kalo kita takut sedang membuang waktu, pastikan saja dulu kita menikmati masa2 itu.. that's it

    aku merindukan masa kuliahku, masa dimana membuang waktu adalah hal yang wajar dan tidak pernah merasa berdosa :)

    nice post ell.

  2. Kamu komen plus curhat yah?hehehe ok segera menuju tkp gan :)

  3. Hehehehe kalau menurut aku sepanjang kita enjoy dengan yang kita lakukan itu bukan buang waktu tapi menikmati waktu :)

    Orang lain bilang apa cuek aja...:) hahahahaha....


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