Good shoes, good woman

Ketika semalam sedang asyik beberes kamar,secara tidak sengaja menemukan sebuah kotak kecil warna Putih hmmm guess what I found!new pair of shoes, I totally forgot I already have this shoes several months ago...too bad..koq bs ya?
Foto yang kupajang ini adalah sepatu2 yg aq beli selama than 2010 :D
parah? Nope I'm sure every woman love shoes, Berbeda dg cowo yg 'normalnya' tidak gila sepatu,cewe harus punya minimal satu sepatu untuk satu aktivitas (asal ga 1 occasion satu sepatu )
Kata teman kantorq, om2 metro (homo) sexual,cewe cantik bs dilihat dr sepatunya.I'm wondering why he said like that?it seems he saw my pink (browny)shoes. Seketika aq protes.. "engga ahh aq cantik (eyuw) tapi sepatuku kotor Dan ini kena ujan (ngeles)"
"neng,gw slalu perhatiin cwe dr sepatunya,pertama Kali gw liat lo..lo punya taste but u careless,u're just challenging to get something new but u lack of maintenance it"
Wat?quite true but I'm not gonna give up to someone who wear 3million wallet with buffalo icon on it. "ah prejudice tu Om"
"lo liat deh bos lo..look at her shoes,she wear same shoes over 2years and her shoes still flawless,look at the model,it's like early 90 but it's still shine,and I know that's expensive shoes"
Curios,aq cek merk sepatu si bos pas dia lg sholat, yup the brand is quite expensive with range 500 to 1million,but it's polish how I can describe her character?
"iyalah itu spatu mahal Jadi awet Dan still flawless"kataku pads si om.
"no darling,bandingin brapa bnyk spatu yg kmu beli dlm stahun? Total harganya mungkin hny 10perser dr total sepatu yg kamu means kmu slalu terburu2 dg what's next,tdk menyadari besarnya potency apa yg km miliki skrg,kebalikan dg bosmu yg berusaha memandaatkan setiap potensi yg di miliki"
Aw!that's hurt!so do u want yo know character of woman?see from her shoes but I'm sure u need to learn about shoes first.


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